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COPD review

COPD Assessment
Required fields are labelled
Who are you completing this form for?
For example, on behalf of a child or dependent
What is your name?
What is your date of birth?
For example, 31 3 1980
What is your sex?
As recorded on your medical record
The one used to register with your GP
Anyone else with access to your email account may see responses sent to you



Coughing: from 0 (I never cough) to 5 (I cough all the time)


Phlegm: from 0 (I have no phlegm – mucus – in my chest at all) to 5 (My chest is full of phlegm – mucus)


Tightness: from 0 (My chest does not feel tight at all) to 5 (My chest feels very tight)


Stairs: from 0 (When I walk up a hill or one flight of stairs I am not breathless) to 5 (When I walk up a hill or one flight of stairs I am very breathless)


Activities: from 0 (I am not limited doing any activities at home) to 5 (I am very limited doing any activities at home)


Leaving: from 0 (I am confident leaving my home despite my lung condition) to 5 (I am not at all confident leaving my home because of my lung condition)


Sleep: from 0 (I sleep soundly) to 5 (I don’t sleep soundly because of my lung condition)


Energy: from 0 (I have lots of energy) to 5 (I have no energy at all)
This is automatically calculated and will be sent to the practice upon submission.